Sound Reducing Glass

Ideal for houses near busy roads, railway tracks or flightpaths, our range of acoustic sound reducing glass sealed units provide greater sound insulation for your home. As well as keeping outside noise to a minimum, they also help to keep your noise in, providing better soundproofing for your neighbours!

AGS’s standard A rated windows provide a sound protection level of 31dB, helping to reduce unwanted noise. But if you require an even higher level of noise reduction - for instance you might live near a busy road, next to a railway line or under a flightpath near an airport - you can opt for one of our acoustic glass sealed unit ranges of sound reducing windows.

They offer a superb level of 36dB sound insulation - significantly greater than our standard windows - to give you even more peace and quiet. They achieve a standard energy A rating. Not only does the soundproofing keep external noise at bay, less of the sounds you make will escape through your windows.

You might not need noise reduction windows in every room in your home. You can mix and match the types of windows you install, getting the most appropriate window for each room. Think about the layout of your home, which direction your rooms face and how you use each room. Then you can decide which ones will benefit most from some extra sound insulation.

As well as achieving excellent noise reduction, due to the glass technology used, our sound reducing windows are also tougher and harder to break, making them safer, too.